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John Wilson Australian Blue Mountains Artist.  John Wilson is one of Australia's leading oil painters, whose elegant paintings capture the more elusive qualities unique to the Australian landscape.
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© Copyright John Wilson

Award by the Australian Institute of History and Arts

by John Wilson on 11/28/13

John was recently chosen as a recipient of a fellowship by the Australian Institute of History and Arts for his lifelong contribution to traditional Australian art. Each year the institute grants a small number of fellowships to Australian citizens who have made significant contributions in their specialist areas of artistic or academic endeavours. John is honoured to receive this award.

Comments (2)

1. Ron Layton said on 12/8/13 - 03:10PM
Well done John. Just love your paintings of the Australian bush. Merry Christmas.
2. Helen Morgan said on 1/29/14 - 02:22PM
What an honour John,congratulations.

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